Thursday, May 7, 2015

Baby Piercing: Cute or Cruel?

Babies are not personal property, and piercing a baby's ears is cruel and takes away the child's freedom to make this choice when they get older. These are some of the arguments from parents opposed to piercing a baby's ears. Many moms simply feel that "It's just not right." While I understand the concerns surrounding the decision, I ask, "What's it to you?!" I think it looks adorable, and apparently so do many other moms that have done it before and will continue doing it. I could also argue that it's better than forbidding it, because those strict parents we've all witnessed, who refuse to provide these freedoms to their kids, also end up with the 18-year-old that moves out of the house, and the first thing they do is get a piercing or tattoo! So which is better?! I think there's a fine line between one end of the spectrum and the other, but if there's no harm, then no foul.

I've gone back and forth in my mind, debating whether or not to pierce my daughter's ears following her two-year birthday. I've received mixed reviews, but have certainly seen more girl toddlers with pierced ears, than not. I have a number of girlfriends whose girls have pierced ears, and they say at this age they don't fidgit with them as opposed to when they get a few years older. I also had my ears pierced when I was approximately three. I cannot understand why there is a big debate.

As my daughter becomes more aware of me wearing jewelry and tries putting earrings on me, or hands them to me for pretend wear, I feel the overall notion of piercing a baby's ears is a matter of parental preference.


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