Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Marijuana Mammas

Because this is a sensitive subject, and I am venting my view given recent discussions in the news, my disclaimer goes like this: I don't care one way or the other if people use marijuana. But, if my daughter ever suffered from severe epileptic seizures or any other trauma that may be helped by way of marijuana use, I will do anything to help her. 

As a Colorado native that recently moved to Kansas, I am surprised at some of the controversies surrounding the use of marijuana. Perhaps its because I'm used to a more liberal demographic in Colorado, versus the Republic of Kansas! I will say, I got a good laugh streaming the Denver news and watching yesterday's 420 cloud of smoke fill the Colorado air in front of the Capitol, in celebration of April 20 aka '420' to marijuana enthusiasts. And while I've never had a desire nor used an illegal substance, I do consume my share of adult beverages, and am fairly neutral in my beliefs surrounding marijuana use; to each his own!  What I will say as I watched the news recently, is that I am appalled at some of the penalties imposed on parents whose (in my opinion) only crime is educating their children, and doing the best they can to medically care for an ailing child. 

In a country that boasts about freedoms yet takes away the very same liberties that were handed to us in the first place, I cannot believe that a Kansas mom  lost custody of her 11 year old son because he gave a speech in school about the use and benefits of cannabis oil. His mother suffered from Crohn's Disease, and she authored and became a motivational speaker regarding the benefits of cannabis oil used to treat her disease, and because her child gave a speech about the very same topic, child welfare removed him from home. Now I understand there is a fine line when it comes to children and marijuana use. And I understand the initial concern teachers may have about the child speaking in detail about this topic. I also understand that  regulation is necessary to protect people. But what ever happened to schools allowing freedom of speech, and allowing kids to write, discuss and debate controversial topics? Schools punish kids for not doing their work, yet they punish them for completing an assignment?! That's ludicrous! This child gave a speech so compelling and controversial that it's raised a nationwide discussion. I am disgusted that we live in a society where jails are flooded with people that sell dope, then the government legalizes and sells it?! Yet the mere discussion of legalized drugs and their benefits tear children from homes and put them into foster care??! How can we live in a society that punishes the innocent, and criminals -- our own government -- roam free? How do repeat drug addict parents maintain custody of their kids, while textbook parents seeking the only help they can find for their severely epileptic child are battling for custody of their ailing kids? While I certainly don't advocate the abuse of drugs, and I definitely don't agree with parents using around their kids, I will say that if my daughter ever suffered from epileptic seizures and the option to help her is medical marijuana, I would ensure her safety and well-being. 

To the naysayers and "regulators," how would you react if your child suffered in the same ways some of the autistic and epileptic children? What if rather than constant prodding and poking, pill after pill, doctor visit after treatment, the never-ending pain seen in your child's face was found in one ounce of weed?  I was impressed and very touched by some of the stories shared by the Facebook group MAMMA (Mother's Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism). While I am not a board certified doctor, I, like many other women consider myself doctor-mom and mom's first priority is our child. A parent's intuition can do a hell of a lot better for our kids, than some of the misdiagnoses, pill advocating and invasive treatments recommended by many licensed physicians. What I will say, is that I can't imagine that so many moms joining these communities and forums would actually try to harm their children, and would refuse to exhaust other avenues before considering marijuana. Perhaps I don't have the full story on the Kansas Mom and son, or even all the other matters, but I will say shame on our system for putting a child in the foster system  because of a well-told book report and speech, and for punishing the child and parent for seeking the much needed treatment that actually works. 

That's all for reading my tirade! 


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