Monday, February 15, 2016

Take A Parental Time-Out

How do you stop yourself from laughing hysterically at your daughter, after you've just scolded her for being too loud, and she pouts her way back into her room with a balloon in tow, all while riding on the back of a toy dog that is blinking like a disco ball and singing the ABC's?!! You had to see it to truly grasp the scope of hilariousness. It was sheer comedy and took every ounce of my husband and I not to let her see us cracking up. Moments like these make me think of how as parents, we can get frustrated over the littlest thing after a long day, and our children's goofy moments place things back into perspective. Rather than blowing up, and pausing for a moment to take a parental time-out is a great way to calm before a storm.

Kids always want more of our attention. Our tolerance of their noise level, whining, crying, etc. is skewed in various situations. For instance, when we have guests, if we merely want a few minute of tv time or quiet, or we are at our wits end, parents are likelier to to get frustrated in the heat of the moment. I am sure all parents have had that moment where you are enjoying some much needed adult conversation, so you allow your child a little more freedom for the sake of get out of my face! Yes, you can have another piece of candy. Sure, watch another episode of your cartoon so I can finish viewing Dr. Oz. I am on the phone, if you continue to interrupt, we will not go outside and play. As these negotiations or bribes do not work in our favor, we end up raising our voices, getting frustrated -- the works. Parent-child relationships can be the most rewarding, and the most challenging. When love and anger meet head-on, it is important to be wise and control our emotions, even in moments of weakness. I am thankful for the reminders that make me laugh, such as my daughter leaving my room upset on the back a singing disco dog. Life is too short to lose patience, stress and lash out in anger. "Laugh a little louder. Smile a little bigger. Love a little deeper. And walk through life a little slower, enjoying more." -Unknown

-Leslie Osmond

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