Monday, June 1, 2015

Dr. Thanks For Nothing

I've been dealing with my kid's mustard yellow liquid diarrhea for five days. She's not running a fever, is in fairly normal spirits -- a bit moodier than normal -- but is eating okay and drinking lots of fluids. My concern is the fact that she's blasting through diaper, and outfit after outfit, five to six times a day, and that isn't normal.  Because I'm a firm believer in home remedies and building your immune system, and because my daughter isn't running a fever, I figured I'd wait it out. Since day five is here, I decided to get it checked out. What a waste of time, and money.

Nothing is more outrageous than a doctor charging $120+ for a sick visit, to tell me, what I just told her: my daughter has diarrhea, isn't running a fever and seems well hydrated. You don't have to be a rocket scientist or have a PhD to determine that. I believe in home remedies, and they've worked for me and my family for generations, and my husband's been a lot healthier and has become more of a believer in it as well. I believe doctor's visits should be reserved for absolute musts, such as extreme fever and symptoms, or required -- not recommended -- invasive procedures. I only feel the need to seek the advice of a doctor when none of my homeopathic remedies have worked, and as such, expect an answer (or at least try to give me one) without charging a premium for saying, "Drink lots more fluids, rest, and if it doesn't get better in a few days or worsens, then come back." WTF?! You charged me $120 for that?! I told you I've been doing that. All of those years in med school for that? It's no wonder so many people are taking to yearly fads to stay healthy. The Master Cleanse, gluten-free and the list goes on. With today's advances in technology, I'm highly disappointed at the way many health care professionals operate. It's like a factory assembly line; every person with similar symptoms gets the same treatment, and if you don't like it, come back and we'll bill you a few more hundred dollars to run extra tests, only to tell you the same thing. Wait it out. Thanks again Doctor...for nothing.


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