Stay-at-home-moms, do you wear make-up every day? If so, why? I mean, I know looking great makes us feel wonderful, even if the only person that sees us is two feet tall, can barely speak, and doesn't care if we look awful anyway! Naked face (no make-up, lashes, hair in a bun, etc.) is what I call my days of in-house glamour. I'm curious why some moms get dolled up if they're not leaving the house for anyone to see.
I'm the queen of frumpty-dumpty and loathe putting on make-up if I'm not attending an event. I have joked with friends and other moms that I either look homeless or completely dolled up. There is no in-between! Given I love to workout and live in sweats the bulk of the week, the only other time I may spruce myself up, is as a kind of anti-depressant. You know. It's 'just one of those days.' The kind where you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, nothing's really wrong, but you're feeling down? Or, perhaps the morning starts out horrible and the day continues that way. Since you're feeling like crap anyway, why look it?! I figure, why look at myself in the mirror and think blah? So I'll slap on some make-up as a quick pick-me-up. And while I'm happy at my transformation, it is interesting to catch the expressions of other moms that never see one another without make-up, surprised at those of us who finally wear any. Why hide from one another under a mask, when we all experience the fatigue, judgment, and there's not enough time in the day for anything but our rugrats? Perhaps I'm too blase`or jaded when it comes to mommy looks and outings, so I am interested in other moms' opinions. Please share your thoughts and thanks for reading.
-Leslie Osmond
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