Friday, October 30, 2015

No Pain, No Gain

As I put my daughter to bed and finally got a chance to relax yesterday, I said to myself (something I never thought I'd say, or get accustomed to), "I can get used to this stay-at-home mom gig."

It takes a while, particularly for working women, to ease into being mommy when you've always been used to being independent. Having and making my own money was always of the utmost importance to me, and giving that up and that feeling of dependence is quite the change. Feeling as though you don't contribute enough financially, wears heavy on a woman that's never depended on another for things. And despite the reassurance from my husband that a woman's contribution in the household and most importantly, raising a child is of the utmost importance. But the truth of the matter is that when you're in a solid relationship and you have that influence and drive that complements your partner, then you're both winning, and your drive as an independent woman will hopefully push and motivate your partner in a positive direction.

I firmly believe a woman can either be a man's driving force, or she can hold him back. The saying "Behind every successful man is a great woman" holds true. It's important to encourage your partner to reach for the stars, especially when the financial burden now rests solely on one. And while I assure you readers that it would be much, much easier for me to return work than deal with the never-ending laundry, dirty diapers, crying, and sheer busy boredom, as the months from being in a traditional workforce pass by, I am beginning to be further removed from feeling guilty for not contributing financially, because as a family we are doing fantastic, and without the learning and growing pains, comes no gain.

I've talked about it before, but in a day and age when daycare costs are more than an average middle class salary, it's not worth it. The heart of the matter is that it can be rough not being able to return to work in the field you love. You miss the thrill, the people, the interaction. It's actually much easier to go back to work, yet the path I'm on and that many others have experienced is fruitful. Be happy with the cards you're dealt. Use your knowledge and skill to give ideas to your partner who is working his butt off to provide for the family. Your ideas and skill can encourage and uplift them and their career. You will find solace and feel a sense of achievement as your partner achieves success. Don't be the wife that hinders your spouse's (and ultimately the family's) success. Be a driving force of inspiration and encouragement. When you find happiness, everyone is happy. And a happy home is a home built with love and dreams that come true.

-Leslie Osmond

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