Friday, September 25, 2015

Child Bribery

I'm not above bribing my child to get her to do something, especially if I don't have the energy or desire to fight a toddler on that particular day. I understand the mixed reviews about whether or not bribing a child is good, but all parents have or will at some point and time, do it. "If you clean your room, you'll get a treat" - or something like, "Here, you can play with my iPhone; I need to talk to daddy."

I use the term bribery loosely, and consider it more a reward and the art of negotiation. There are pros and cons to it. Rewards aka bribery can be used to encourage good behavior, as long as the reward is not used to stop bad behavior. If property used, both you and your child will reap its benefits. The distinction between "bad bribery" or rewarding bad behavior, is when a parent gives into the child while under duress. We've all been there. You're right in the middle of a tense situation. Your child is kicking and screaming, making a scene, so you promise them something you would never offer, except now you want them quiet. This form of bribery or negotiation gives power to the child. My daughter is no angel, and we've had our share of tantrums in public, but I've learned that if I promise her a treat or reward before the anticipated bad behavior, she's likelier to behave well. For instance, we traveled to Colorado this past week. I explained that we were going on an airplane where people have to sit and be nice, and only used inside voices, and no crying is allowed. I told her if she could do this, she would get a treat, along with seeing the grandparents. That incentive was enough for a great flight.

I believe the key to good behavior is acknowledging and rewarding it, rather than being manipulated and extorted by children. While I understand that all children are different, and parenting styles differ, parents, be kind to yourself and take note of what your child is doing, how you're reinforcing and establishing the behavior, and realize that child bribery is okay!


Thursday, September 17, 2015


In Mel Gibson's words during the final scene of Braveheart, "FREEDOM!!!" I couldn't help but have this feeling of euphoria the second our babysitter walked through the door today! I darted out of the house so fast, she probably thought I was crazy. Whew! I am free to enjoy an afternoon without crying, whining, the same word being repeated over and over and over again in a high pitched Minnie Mouse voice. I can breathe and simply do nothing.

Stay-at-home-parents -- hell all parents -- I know you can relate. We love our children but dammit if they don't drive us crazy sometimes! We've all had (or will at some point) experience that day when your head is about to explode because everything is going wrong. Your child is misbehaving and/or being ultra fussy or annoying while the house is a disaster but the last thing you want to do is clean. You have errands to run. You realize you're missing an ingredient for the dish you planned to cook for dinner, and now have to make an extra stop at the grocery store. Then on top of that, your phone won't stop ringing because the whole world all of a sudden needs you for something.  You've bribed your child with a treat to try to keep them quiet while you're on the phone for the tenth time (And yes, I'm not above bribing children.), but you look up, and to your shock and horror, your child  made such a mess that you're forced to give them another bath. The straw that breaks the camel's back is when you're bathing your child and think they're finally settling down, only to see they've just dropped two logs in the bathtub. FML!!! So now I'm bobbing for poop and have to add washing the tub to my list. Let's just say it was time to call in reinforcements! Thank goodness my babysitter was available to give me a break. "FREEDOM!!"


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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Death to Mickey

That awkward yet disturbingly funny moment, when you have to explain to your child that the mouse your cat killed outside and brought in, is NOT Mickey Mouse!

Parenting experiences can be disturbingly funny, especially as we evolve as first-time parents. I think all of us begin this quest in delicate fashion, starting with how gently we put on our infant's clothing for the first time, for fear of breaking a little finger or arm, to the amount of research we spend buying first items such as strollers, cribs, breast pumps, etc. We have sleepless nights about our baby's first fever, to worrying about our baby's stuffy nose, irregular sleep patterns, bowel movements, rash, poop texture and color, even though, Google gave us all the answers! Some of my most memorable parenting moments make me chuckle, and I hope all parents alike feel the same.


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